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Motorhome, Caravan, and RV Insurance Comparison
Insurance can be one of those overwhelming topics to tackle when you’re trying to figure out the nitty-gritties of full-time motorhome life. Over the years I’ve navigated the maze of policies, coverage options and providers to figure out what was best — and if — for me. So if you’re new to motorhomes or caravans, or if…
Caravan or Motorhome: How Much Does It Really Cost to Own?
Living permanently in a motor home has been one of the most liberating — and enlightening — experiences of my life. When I first set off on the open road, the beauty of the freedom was glorious, but it didn’t take long for me to get my reality check — freedom has a price, and that comes…
How to Pay Less for Your Secondhand Caravan (and Not Get Scammed)
Now, of course back in October 2018, when I left my home behind and decided to live full time in a motorhome, one of my first thoughts had been to get an affordable yet reliable caravan. Buying second-hand was a no-brainer for me—it was a way to get more bang for your buck, and still fulfil your…
Renting Out Your Static Caravan for an Extra Income
A static caravan — one that stays in place, like a trailer — can be an income generator, as I learned over time, providing additional funds to support my travels when it’s not in use. Full-time motorhome living is thrilling, COVID-19 be damned, but it doesn’t always pay the bills. As well as helping to cover the…